Monday, November 23, 2009

House Plants

Wow! It is great to see a resurgence of people putting families first. Is it the Obama Effect? Is it the disgust of the negative images in the media? Or is it a realization that when the storms of life rage, the family is an important covering.

From devastating national events to personal losses we are beginning to realize that relationships are good for our souls. Now that we have this realization, what will we do to nurture our families? Like all living organisms a family has to be nurtured. Compare your family to an ivy plant. An ivy plant can do several things: provide good ground cover, accessorize an arrangement, or be aesthetically pleasing.

Ivy ground cover does not have to be nurtured. It is nourished by the falling rains/storms and grows at will. It will tangle those who try to tread through it and is a haven for rodents, cockroaches and serpents.

Or imagine the ivy that is just the accessory to the main attraction. It's sole responsibility is to be downplayed and unimportant while making the arrangement appear beautiful.

And finally we have the ivy that is aesthetically pleasing. We see its strong roots climbing the walls of a home. While its appearance may appear to be untamed the truth lies in the intricate lines the ivy forms around doors, windows and awnings. This taming can only be accomplished with nurturing.

What kind of ivy plant is your family?